
Enhance Your Restaurant’s Appeal with Daily Specials and the “Call The Service” App

A restaurant table with the daily special of the chef and a QR code on the table to Call The Service

In the competitive restaurant industry, standing out is key. Introducing daily specials is a smart strategy to keep your menu exciting and attract more customers. When paired with the innovative “Call The Service” app, these specials can significantly boost your restaurant’s efficiency and customer satisfaction.

What Are Daily Specials?

Daily specials are unique dishes offered for a limited time—usually just for one day. They can include seasonal ingredients, experimental recipes, or customer favorites at a discount. The goal is to create excitement and encourage customers to dine with you to experience something new.

Benefits of Chef’s specials

1. Increased Traffic: Constantly updating your menu with new specials attracts both regulars and new diners.

2. Improved Customer Experience: Fresh and unique dishes make dining at your restaurant a memorable event.

3. Efficient Inventory Management: Use surplus ingredients in your specials to reduce waste and manage costs. Consider implementing restaurant management software to streamline this process and ensure no ingredient is wasted.

4. Menu Innovation: Test new dishes as specials to see what resonates with your customers. This adds flexibility to your menu without the need for complete overhauls, making it easier to introduce variety.

 Integrating Daily Specials with “Call The Service” App

The Call The Service app enhances the dining experience by streamlining how customers interact with your restaurant:

1. Real-Time Updates: Quickly update the app with the day’s specials thanks to the banner feature, ensuring diners have the latest information.

2. Ease of Use: Customers can see specials directly on their phones through scanning the QR codes on the tables, with no app download needed.

3. Immediate Feedback: Get instant feedback from customers on your specials to help improve your offerings.

4. Faster Service: Customers can order and pay through the app, which speeds up service and improves satisfaction.

Marketing Daily Specials

Effective marketing is crucial to get the most out of your daily delights

  • Social Media: Post daily updates on platforms like Instagram and Facebook with attractive photos of your specials.
  • Email Newsletters: Send out weekly newsletters that highlight upcoming specials.
  • In-App Notifications: Utilize the “Call The Service” app’s banner feature to send real-time alerts about daily specials directly to seated customers, ensuring they’re immediately informed of the latest offerings.
  • Waitstaff Engagement: Train your waitstaff to promote the daily special to every customer.
  • Visible Promotions: Place a prominent menu board at the entrance to catch the attention of passersby and highlight the day’s specials.

Strategic Intentions for Daily Specials

Define clear objectives for your today’s highlights:

  • Trial Runs for New Dishes: Use specials to test potential additions to your permanent menu.
  • Increase Slow Day Traffic: Target slower days to boost attendance with enticing specials.
  • Reduce Waste: Design specials around ingredients that need to be used soon to minimize food waste.


Daily specials add a dynamic element to your menu, helping to attract more customers and provide a constantly fresh dining experience. By combining these specials with the “Call The Service” app, you can not only streamline operations but also offer a modern and engaging service. Embrace this comprehensive strategy to elevate your restaurant’s profile and keep diners coming back for more.

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